Who's for Bernie?
Some of the Thoughtful, Dedicated People Who Support Bernie Sanders
Twelve Amazing People Who Support Bernie Sanders for President
Michelle Alexander is a scholar, author, and critic of systemic racial discrimination in the United States. Her defining book is The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness. In February, Michelle wrote "Why Hillary Clinton Does Not Deserve the Black Vote" for The Nation. On April 5, she endorsed the political revolution led by Bernie Sanders.
Joan Baez has been the voice, powerful and melodic, of the movement for peace and social justice in America for fifty years or so. She has sung "We Shall Overcome" countless times in civil rights marches, at Woodstock, and anti-war events. Baez endorsed Senator Sanders in March.
Noam Chomsky is a world-renowned philosopher and linguist. He is also a respected writer and critic of American foreign and social policy, especially its wars and the rule of the many by the few. In politics alone, he has published an incredible ninety-eight books, the most recent being Because We Say So and Who Rules the World. In a January interview, Chomsky said Bernie Sanders has the best policies of the presidential candidates.
Francis I, head of the Roman Catholic Church, has become known as an outspoken advocate of the oppressed, refugees, and the environment. On April 8, it was announced that the Vatican had invited Bernie Sanders to speak at a global conference on social justice and the economy.
Alan Grayson is a Democratic member of the House of Representatives from Florida and one of the so-called "superdelegates" who will help decide the ultimate outcome of the race to be his party's 2016 candidate for President. Responding to an online poll he conducted in which voters expressed an overwhelming preference for Bernie Sanders, Grayson has pledged his vote for him.
Spike Lee is a prolific film-maker and actor. His films provide a strong Black perspective on American life. His titles include Do the Right Thing, Jungle Fever, Malcolm X, The Huey P. Newton Story, Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth, and Chi-Raq. He endorsed Senator Sanders in Rolling Stone Magazine on February 23.
Michael Moore is a documentary filmmaker, writer and activist. His award-winning films include Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko, and Where to Invade Next. He is also the author of Stupid White Men and Dude, Where's My Country?. His endorsement is here.
Barack Obama seems an odd name for this list. He owes Bill Clinton for campaigning heavily in the final weeks of his original 2008 presidential campaign. Some are also critical that he did not accomplish everything he had pledged. War rages on (though there is less of it), Guantanamo is still there, and the economy is still rigged. But anyone who pays close attention will notice a resemblance between the President's actions these days and the platform of Senator Sanders. Obama is the first President to have ever visited a prison and he is pressing to give pardons to 1,000s of inmates with long drug sentences. (Less prisons and more education is a big Sanders issue.) Like Sanders, Obama has also advocated and worked for gay rights all along. His considerable record is here. Since November, President Obama legislated an increase in the hourly minimum wage for federal contractors to $10.10, in line with Bernie Sanders support of an increase to $15/hour. In his historic re-opening of relations with Iran and Cuba, and his honoring of the victims of Argentina's 1976 military takeover, he has repudiated the decades-long policy of foreign wars and intervention supported by Republicans and the hawk wing of the Democratic Party, a position taken also by Bernie Sanders.
Thomas Piketty shot to fame in 2013 as the best-selling book, Capital in the Twenty-first Century. In his book, Piketty proved in great detail how the American (and European, but especially the American) economy is more divided between the very rich (the .01%) and everybody else than at any time since before World War One. His study also indicated that the unequal distribution of wealth is a threat to each country's democracy.
Snatam Kaur is here because she is a yogi and she understands the need for peace and social justice. For several years, she and her band did their tireless Celebrate Peace tour to raise hopes and spirits in a dark time of fear, prejudice and war.
Elizabeth Warren is an academic and politician, formerly a Harvard Law School professor, and now the senior Senator for Massachusetts. A Democrat, she is considered a thoughtful and articulate champion of the working, middle class. With her daughter, she is the author of The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle Class Parents are Going Broke. While not officially endorsing Senator Sanders, on March 25, the Senator is quoted as saying she is "cheering him on."
Neil Young has a history of making powerful music that makes a social statement. He did that in 1970 with Four Dead in Ohio, again with Rockin' in the Free World in 1989, and 2006 with Let's Impeach the President. Young's endorsement and his giving the right to use Rockin' in the Free World to the Bernie Sanders campaign are here.
Michelle Alexander is a scholar, author, and critic of systemic racial discrimination in the United States. Her defining book is The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness. In February, Michelle wrote "Why Hillary Clinton Does Not Deserve the Black Vote" for The Nation. On April 5, she endorsed the political revolution led by Bernie Sanders.
Joan Baez has been the voice, powerful and melodic, of the movement for peace and social justice in America for fifty years or so. She has sung "We Shall Overcome" countless times in civil rights marches, at Woodstock, and anti-war events. Baez endorsed Senator Sanders in March.
Noam Chomsky is a world-renowned philosopher and linguist. He is also a respected writer and critic of American foreign and social policy, especially its wars and the rule of the many by the few. In politics alone, he has published an incredible ninety-eight books, the most recent being Because We Say So and Who Rules the World. In a January interview, Chomsky said Bernie Sanders has the best policies of the presidential candidates.
Francis I, head of the Roman Catholic Church, has become known as an outspoken advocate of the oppressed, refugees, and the environment. On April 8, it was announced that the Vatican had invited Bernie Sanders to speak at a global conference on social justice and the economy.
Alan Grayson is a Democratic member of the House of Representatives from Florida and one of the so-called "superdelegates" who will help decide the ultimate outcome of the race to be his party's 2016 candidate for President. Responding to an online poll he conducted in which voters expressed an overwhelming preference for Bernie Sanders, Grayson has pledged his vote for him.
Spike Lee is a prolific film-maker and actor. His films provide a strong Black perspective on American life. His titles include Do the Right Thing, Jungle Fever, Malcolm X, The Huey P. Newton Story, Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth, and Chi-Raq. He endorsed Senator Sanders in Rolling Stone Magazine on February 23.
Michael Moore is a documentary filmmaker, writer and activist. His award-winning films include Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Sicko, and Where to Invade Next. He is also the author of Stupid White Men and Dude, Where's My Country?. His endorsement is here.
Barack Obama seems an odd name for this list. He owes Bill Clinton for campaigning heavily in the final weeks of his original 2008 presidential campaign. Some are also critical that he did not accomplish everything he had pledged. War rages on (though there is less of it), Guantanamo is still there, and the economy is still rigged. But anyone who pays close attention will notice a resemblance between the President's actions these days and the platform of Senator Sanders. Obama is the first President to have ever visited a prison and he is pressing to give pardons to 1,000s of inmates with long drug sentences. (Less prisons and more education is a big Sanders issue.) Like Sanders, Obama has also advocated and worked for gay rights all along. His considerable record is here. Since November, President Obama legislated an increase in the hourly minimum wage for federal contractors to $10.10, in line with Bernie Sanders support of an increase to $15/hour. In his historic re-opening of relations with Iran and Cuba, and his honoring of the victims of Argentina's 1976 military takeover, he has repudiated the decades-long policy of foreign wars and intervention supported by Republicans and the hawk wing of the Democratic Party, a position taken also by Bernie Sanders.
Thomas Piketty shot to fame in 2013 as the best-selling book, Capital in the Twenty-first Century. In his book, Piketty proved in great detail how the American (and European, but especially the American) economy is more divided between the very rich (the .01%) and everybody else than at any time since before World War One. His study also indicated that the unequal distribution of wealth is a threat to each country's democracy.
Snatam Kaur is here because she is a yogi and she understands the need for peace and social justice. For several years, she and her band did their tireless Celebrate Peace tour to raise hopes and spirits in a dark time of fear, prejudice and war.
Elizabeth Warren is an academic and politician, formerly a Harvard Law School professor, and now the senior Senator for Massachusetts. A Democrat, she is considered a thoughtful and articulate champion of the working, middle class. With her daughter, she is the author of The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle Class Parents are Going Broke. While not officially endorsing Senator Sanders, on March 25, the Senator is quoted as saying she is "cheering him on."
Neil Young has a history of making powerful music that makes a social statement. He did that in 1970 with Four Dead in Ohio, again with Rockin' in the Free World in 1989, and 2006 with Let's Impeach the President. Young's endorsement and his giving the right to use Rockin' in the Free World to the Bernie Sanders campaign are here.