Yesterday was September 13, 2020
exactly the 52nd anniversary of
Yogiji's arrival as a teacher in the West...
After a calm of a few years, traitors and fools have again attempted to take over the sacred mission started by His Holiness. The battle has just begun.
Attacks on the integrity of the Siri Singh Sahib have occurred on three fronts: 1) a book - White Bird in a Golden Cage - published by Pam Dyson, a former student; 2) accusations of misconduct at Miri Piri Academy in India made by former students; 3) attacks made by members of the Siri Singh Sahib Board, entrusted with managing the for-profit and non-profit bodies established with the guidance of Yogi Bhajan Ji, including the infamous Olive Branch report. This article will examine all three in succession.
The Dyson Campaign
I live in Toronto, miles from Los Angeles and Espanola, where the Siri Singh Sahib spent most of his days, but out of my love and admiration for His Holiness and his mission, I have spent decades researching his life and teachings. It is in the same spirit - from a distance - that I am investigating the allegations made against him. Below is some advice I recently received from a dharmic sister in the US:
"Keeping myself in a higher frequency at this point and staying out of one extreme or the other. I honestly believe the way through this is prayer and Japa .Keeping a balance. Honoring Siri Singh Sahib in my heart and my psyche. Having said that, I would try to talk to the people mentioned in Pamelas book. Sat Kaur the wife of the man Premka left the Dharma with. Did Pamela manipulate him? I would try to talk to the man she left with and later divorced. What is his input? Krishna is mentioned in her book as well as Sat Simran and Soorya. Pamela alluded they each had sex with him or was abused. I would talk to them. Bibi Ji and her daughter and or Kulbir may have information regarding India and certain India events mentioned. Is there a pattern of Pamela sleeping with other men? Married men. Are there other abortions? Look into that. Talk to Dharma Singh or Siri Ram Singh Espanola about her begging to come back and regain her status and being a CEO of Ancient healing ways then leaving again. This kind of work, disclaiming her references may take a private detective. You have a pragmatic way of thinking so it may be good for you to look into all this but hard from Canada. Reread her book and look these people up regarding Pamela's comments. I think there is a lie on every page personally, but not interested in ever looking at it again. Good luck! Last point look into the money trail and try to find out exactly what she was paid and if and who is paying her now. Is she coaching others who came forward on any of her sights or interviews...? Its a very big job. Again, good luck!"
My dharmic sister, a lioness, makes a number of suggestions, but as you might imagine I have neither the money nor the luxury of time to hire an investigator and do all the rest.
Frankly, though I have written academic theses where everything is carefully annotated, because time is critical here I am going to put together a brief synopsis of what others have said and what I think is true and let you be the judge. In my view, there is a lot of reasonably credible information that is not getting out and there is a lot of deliberate misinformation that is. I am going to shovel this out and let you and time be the judge. May Waheguru forgive me for any errors of omission or commission!
1) Numerous sources have informed me that Pamela/Premka (P) has issues with truthfulness.
2) Several sources have said to me that P wished His Holiness to herself and when she found that was not possible, she set out to destroy him.
3) Numerous sources have alleged that P received $50,000 for launching her lawsuit alleging sexual and other abuse with Kate Felt against the Siri Singh Sahib in the 1980s.
4) A number of people have informed me that the case was financed by Pritam Singh Khalsa, a former student, become real estate tycoon, and a number of aggrieved Jat Sikhs who had held positions in the New York City Gurdwara in the 1970s. At that time, P in her official capacity as Secretary-General of the Khalsa Council had sent the board members of that Gurdwara a letter aggressively challenging their policy of not allowing "Western" Sikhs to fully participate in the Gurdwara. It gave the board members particular pleasure years later to: a) corrupt P by buying her testimony, and b) to turn her against the Siri Singh Sahib in a spectacular and very public way. Speaking of this situation, the Siri Singh Sahib once described the Jat penchant for vendetta as far greater than that of Sicilians.
5) Numerous sources have said to me that the case against His Holiness was not "settled out of court," as some have alleged, but when the Siri Singh Sahib's legal team came to know who was financing P's case, they confronted Pritam Singh and his allies with the reality that it is a felony under American law to pay someone to sue a third party. When this case was privately made to them, they quietly dropped the case.
6) Several sources have told me that P spent three years in Espanola, about 1996-1998 trying to regain her position in our 3HO family - a fact mysteriously left out of her scandalous book.
7) Numerous people have told me that, while in New Mexico, P signed a document admitting that her legal case against His Holiness was based on lies.
8) A number of people have relayed to me this story about an exchange between a spiritual teacher called "Ma" and P:
"During P’s 3 year stint in Espanola, this happened: P was sitting on the deck of SSSs solstice trailer at Ram Das Puri during solstice. Ma was there too. She blurts out: 'So P, did you fuck him?!' P doesn’t answer and looks down. Again: 'P, I asked you a question and I want an answer, did you fuck him?! ' P Shakes her head and mutters 'No.' Ma says: 'Of course you didn’t fuck him. Because if you would have fucked him, you would have never left him.'"
9) Gurutej Singh, who is depicted with his late daughter in a chapter of P's book, objects to her version of events.
10) P stayed on in Espanola for three years in all. Dharma Singh served as her host and guide and was given an allowance for her entertainment in Santa Fe. The Siri Singh Sahib was welcoming and kind at all times, but when P found she could not have her way with him, she left us again.
This is probably enough about P. Let's move on to the accusations of misconduct at Miri Piri Academy in India made by former students.
Accusations of Misconduct at MPA
Let us start by saying the accusations of abuse of all kinds at Miri Piri Academy and earlier schools for the 3HO family in India are important and real. Some have said that bullying and abuse happens at schools, and especially boarding schools, everywhere. This is true. It is a part of young people finding their place in the pecking order of the world. It can be cruel. It can be harsh. Still, one would hope that at a school dedicated to such high spiritual ideals, we could do better.
I am going to make five points about the India school accusations:
1) What wrong-doing happened at schools in India was amplified by P. It appears that right about the time that her book came out, she was in contact with people with grievances who had attended these schools as students, some of them many years before. P inflamed their emotions by sharing her fictional account and pledging solidarity with them. Soon, there was a Facebook page and a small army of internet warriors claiming the Siri Singh Sahib was a rapist and that anyone who thought otherwise was either a "rape-enabler" or a "victim shamer."
2) Whatever wrong-doing occurred in India was also amplified by the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation Board through its Collaborative Response Team which organized several, lengthy online sessions for graduates and students to complain about their education experience in India.
3) It is my belief that the India education experience was an especially challenging part of the Siri Singh Sahib's mission to communicate a holistic, empowering and deeply hopeful way of life to the world, firstly to North America and Western Europe. Families were often fractured and fracturing, so in many cases the best hope of stable social environments was to send 3HO children far from the divorce-ridden West. It was also the Master's hope that children educated in this way would become fluent in the culture and language of Punjab, the homeland of Sikh Dharma. It is only fair to state that His Holiness himself attended boarding school as a young man, and that he sent his children, Kulbir Singh and Kamaljeet Kaur to Guru Nanak Fifth Centenary School also.
4) From reports I have heard, the Siri Singh Sahib was very responsive to the sufferings of children at the schools in India. Dharma Singh, who served the Master at close quarters in New Mexico, described to me how any report of hardship experienced by the students would cause Yogiji's eyes to fill with tears. He did not take it easily.
On a specific occasion where a principal of MPA was accused of touching female students inappropriately, that principal was on a plane back to the USA the next day. He was stripped of his Sikh Dharma minister status and his KRI teacher accreditation. The Siri Singh Sahib had no tolerance for this kind of behavior. It took some time before students found out what had happened.
5) For all the reports of misbehavior and abuse, it is important to note that, overall, the situation of the India school program has improved over the years. Student spirit is up. Academics are improved. The diet has improved. The physical domain is excellent. Most students have a fantastic and memorable experience. Some students are actively working to publicize the bright side of Miri Piri Academy.
I am going to make five points about the India school accusations:
1) What wrong-doing happened at schools in India was amplified by P. It appears that right about the time that her book came out, she was in contact with people with grievances who had attended these schools as students, some of them many years before. P inflamed their emotions by sharing her fictional account and pledging solidarity with them. Soon, there was a Facebook page and a small army of internet warriors claiming the Siri Singh Sahib was a rapist and that anyone who thought otherwise was either a "rape-enabler" or a "victim shamer."
2) Whatever wrong-doing occurred in India was also amplified by the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation Board through its Collaborative Response Team which organized several, lengthy online sessions for graduates and students to complain about their education experience in India.
3) It is my belief that the India education experience was an especially challenging part of the Siri Singh Sahib's mission to communicate a holistic, empowering and deeply hopeful way of life to the world, firstly to North America and Western Europe. Families were often fractured and fracturing, so in many cases the best hope of stable social environments was to send 3HO children far from the divorce-ridden West. It was also the Master's hope that children educated in this way would become fluent in the culture and language of Punjab, the homeland of Sikh Dharma. It is only fair to state that His Holiness himself attended boarding school as a young man, and that he sent his children, Kulbir Singh and Kamaljeet Kaur to Guru Nanak Fifth Centenary School also.
4) From reports I have heard, the Siri Singh Sahib was very responsive to the sufferings of children at the schools in India. Dharma Singh, who served the Master at close quarters in New Mexico, described to me how any report of hardship experienced by the students would cause Yogiji's eyes to fill with tears. He did not take it easily.
On a specific occasion where a principal of MPA was accused of touching female students inappropriately, that principal was on a plane back to the USA the next day. He was stripped of his Sikh Dharma minister status and his KRI teacher accreditation. The Siri Singh Sahib had no tolerance for this kind of behavior. It took some time before students found out what had happened.
5) For all the reports of misbehavior and abuse, it is important to note that, overall, the situation of the India school program has improved over the years. Student spirit is up. Academics are improved. The diet has improved. The physical domain is excellent. Most students have a fantastic and memorable experience. Some students are actively working to publicize the bright side of Miri Piri Academy.
The SSSC Board and the OB report
Above are photos of the serving, elected members of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation Board. Their job is to oversee the proper functioning of the for-profit and non-profit bodies created with the guidance of the Siri Singh Sahib, such as the Kundalini Research Institute and the Yogi Tea Company. If you hover your mouse over each picture, their name and home city should become apparent to you. Missing from this picture are Amrit Singh (Mukhia Jathedar), Espanola, New Mexico, Guru Amrit Singh of Nevada, and Krishna Kaur of Los Angeles, California, all in the USA who have resigned over disagreements with the direction the board is going. Also missing are Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur (Siri Sikdar Sahiba) and Bibiji Inderjit Kaur (our Bhai Sahiba), who are unelected members, with Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur currently taking a leave of absence. The Collaborative Response Team mentioned below consists of Sahaj Singh, Gurujot Kaur, Shanti Kaur (not pictured), Nirvair Singh (not pictured), and Pritpal Kaur (not pictured).
Now that you see who they are, the big news is the report the members of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation Board commissioned some months ago, which was published a month ago, August 13th, namely the Olive Branch report.
From this point on, I am going to defer to the excellent critique of that report authored by OngKar Kaur, wife of Guru Amrit Singh, of Nevada with able assistance from Guru Terath Singh, our former chief attorney. You may access OngKaur's critique directly using this live link: Below is my summary of the points OngKar Kaur makes in her document, referencing the page numbers where they may be found on the downloadable PDF version.
1) Some individuals who wanted to testify on behalf of the Siri Singh Sahib were not allowed to speak. (p 3)
2) An Olive Branch (AOB), the organization hired by the Collaborative Response Team (CRT) to do an independent "third-party investigation" of the allegations against His Holiness admits on its website that it is not qualified to do investigations. (p 3) This contradicts the following statement in the very recently revised Aquarian Teacher textbook: "Sixteen years after Yogi Bhajan's death in 2004, allegations of sexual misconduct were brought forward by some of his former students. An independent investigation(?!) in 2020 sponsored by the organizations he founded, concluded that it is more likely than not that Yogi Bhajan engaged in sexual misconduct and abuses of power."
3) Upon investigation, it was found that AOB is not licensed to conduct investigations. Licensing procedures exist to protect the public from shoddy or unqualified practitioners in any field. Effectively, the investigation commissioned by the CRT was illegal. (pp 3, 24)
4) The "investigation" allowed for no representation of the accused, contrary to usual legal practice. (pp 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 19, 24)
5) Accusers and the time and place of their alleged events were kept secret. (pp 3, 4)
6) No effort was made to verify the identities of the accusers or the truth of their accusations. The AOB people pleaded their "lack of resources." (pp 4-16)
7) Court documents were not considered as evidence. (p 4)
8) Medical evidence was not considered by the AOB team, nor was it included in their report. (p 4, 9, 19-20)
9) The credibility of claims and claimants was not questioned. (p 5, 12, 15-16, 19-20)
10) One person tested the interview routine and found they could easily call the AOB people using different names without being recognized. (pp 5-6)
11) The "investigation" was tainted from the outset by the assumption of the truth of the allegations and the guilt of His Holiness, stated from the outset in the CRT's reference to "credible allegations." (p 6, 26)
12) People implicated in the Unto Infinity debacle, who worked systematically to steal assets of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation were admitted as witnesses. (p 13)
13) The report states incorrectly that "Allegations were raised in December 2019, following the publication of White Bird in a Golden Cage by Pamela Dyson." In fact the book was published on January 8, 2020. (p 13)
14) The AOB report states that the 1986 lawsuits of Kate Felt and Pamela Dyson were settled out of court when in fact the lawsuits were dropped as they were themselves illegal. Moreover, it states that there were other allegations of sexual misconduct, but there were not. (p 14)
15) OngKar makes several mentions of the Shambala Investigation, a proper investigation into allegations of sexual impropriety at a spiritual community. (p 8, 11, 26)
16) Handouts of up to $1,500 for counseling were offered to claimants without verification of their claims - whether they actually met His Holiness - or how they afterwards spent the money. (p 14-15, 22)
17) His Holiness did not shy from counseling people about their sexuality. Given the potentially explosive nature of the subject, and the fragile states of the some of the complainants' minds, this could be misinterpreted. Clearly, it was a risk the Master Therapist thought worth taking. (p 17)
18) Repeated allegations of the Siri Singh Sahib participating in orgies are absurd partly because his regular care-givers, cooks, drivers and other staff were not witness to them, but also because of the thin walls and small dimensions of his residence in Los Angeles where he lived until 1994. (p 17-19)
19) People with positive, supportive assessments of His Holiness were generally disregarded. (p 20-22)
20) The Critical Response Team interfered in the work of the Olive Branch "investigators" by forbidding them from referencing social media in their work, unless it was purposefully selected and provided to them. (p 23-24)
21) The AOB team insulted our 3HO family by calling us a "cult." They also showed their Buddhist bias by hectoring about the virtues of celibacy in the pages of their report. (p 25)
22) OngKar Kaur ends her critique by speaking of the accountability of the Board of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation (SSSC):
"The SSSC ignored the publicized flaws of the unfair and ultimately illegal investigation which was pointed out to them early on. They should have taken the steps necessary to ensure that a proper and fair investigation was conducted. Because of missteps, we now have an illegal report which stemmed from an improper and error-ridden process, which directly resulted in destroying the reputation of Yogi Bhajan.
"The report and the damning conclusion that resulted was instigated, directed, and supported by the SSSC, even against direct evidence that it was unfair and illegal. We need to hold its members accountable. We deserve to know who on the board supported this action and who did not. Unfortunately, the process by which the report was approved was deemed to be 'confidential,' and we are denied knowing who was responsible. It has not even been made public if there have been resignations from the board as a result. It appears that the board is determined not to acknowledge dissent or differing opinions, even among its own members. And all of this while espousing honesty and transparency of the process.
"Being hypocritical does not generate trust."
Now that you see who they are, the big news is the report the members of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation Board commissioned some months ago, which was published a month ago, August 13th, namely the Olive Branch report.
From this point on, I am going to defer to the excellent critique of that report authored by OngKar Kaur, wife of Guru Amrit Singh, of Nevada with able assistance from Guru Terath Singh, our former chief attorney. You may access OngKaur's critique directly using this live link: Below is my summary of the points OngKar Kaur makes in her document, referencing the page numbers where they may be found on the downloadable PDF version.
1) Some individuals who wanted to testify on behalf of the Siri Singh Sahib were not allowed to speak. (p 3)
2) An Olive Branch (AOB), the organization hired by the Collaborative Response Team (CRT) to do an independent "third-party investigation" of the allegations against His Holiness admits on its website that it is not qualified to do investigations. (p 3) This contradicts the following statement in the very recently revised Aquarian Teacher textbook: "Sixteen years after Yogi Bhajan's death in 2004, allegations of sexual misconduct were brought forward by some of his former students. An independent investigation(?!) in 2020 sponsored by the organizations he founded, concluded that it is more likely than not that Yogi Bhajan engaged in sexual misconduct and abuses of power."
3) Upon investigation, it was found that AOB is not licensed to conduct investigations. Licensing procedures exist to protect the public from shoddy or unqualified practitioners in any field. Effectively, the investigation commissioned by the CRT was illegal. (pp 3, 24)
4) The "investigation" allowed for no representation of the accused, contrary to usual legal practice. (pp 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 19, 24)
5) Accusers and the time and place of their alleged events were kept secret. (pp 3, 4)
6) No effort was made to verify the identities of the accusers or the truth of their accusations. The AOB people pleaded their "lack of resources." (pp 4-16)
7) Court documents were not considered as evidence. (p 4)
8) Medical evidence was not considered by the AOB team, nor was it included in their report. (p 4, 9, 19-20)
9) The credibility of claims and claimants was not questioned. (p 5, 12, 15-16, 19-20)
10) One person tested the interview routine and found they could easily call the AOB people using different names without being recognized. (pp 5-6)
11) The "investigation" was tainted from the outset by the assumption of the truth of the allegations and the guilt of His Holiness, stated from the outset in the CRT's reference to "credible allegations." (p 6, 26)
12) People implicated in the Unto Infinity debacle, who worked systematically to steal assets of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation were admitted as witnesses. (p 13)
13) The report states incorrectly that "Allegations were raised in December 2019, following the publication of White Bird in a Golden Cage by Pamela Dyson." In fact the book was published on January 8, 2020. (p 13)
14) The AOB report states that the 1986 lawsuits of Kate Felt and Pamela Dyson were settled out of court when in fact the lawsuits were dropped as they were themselves illegal. Moreover, it states that there were other allegations of sexual misconduct, but there were not. (p 14)
15) OngKar makes several mentions of the Shambala Investigation, a proper investigation into allegations of sexual impropriety at a spiritual community. (p 8, 11, 26)
16) Handouts of up to $1,500 for counseling were offered to claimants without verification of their claims - whether they actually met His Holiness - or how they afterwards spent the money. (p 14-15, 22)
17) His Holiness did not shy from counseling people about their sexuality. Given the potentially explosive nature of the subject, and the fragile states of the some of the complainants' minds, this could be misinterpreted. Clearly, it was a risk the Master Therapist thought worth taking. (p 17)
18) Repeated allegations of the Siri Singh Sahib participating in orgies are absurd partly because his regular care-givers, cooks, drivers and other staff were not witness to them, but also because of the thin walls and small dimensions of his residence in Los Angeles where he lived until 1994. (p 17-19)
19) People with positive, supportive assessments of His Holiness were generally disregarded. (p 20-22)
20) The Critical Response Team interfered in the work of the Olive Branch "investigators" by forbidding them from referencing social media in their work, unless it was purposefully selected and provided to them. (p 23-24)
21) The AOB team insulted our 3HO family by calling us a "cult." They also showed their Buddhist bias by hectoring about the virtues of celibacy in the pages of their report. (p 25)
22) OngKar Kaur ends her critique by speaking of the accountability of the Board of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation (SSSC):
"The SSSC ignored the publicized flaws of the unfair and ultimately illegal investigation which was pointed out to them early on. They should have taken the steps necessary to ensure that a proper and fair investigation was conducted. Because of missteps, we now have an illegal report which stemmed from an improper and error-ridden process, which directly resulted in destroying the reputation of Yogi Bhajan.
"The report and the damning conclusion that resulted was instigated, directed, and supported by the SSSC, even against direct evidence that it was unfair and illegal. We need to hold its members accountable. We deserve to know who on the board supported this action and who did not. Unfortunately, the process by which the report was approved was deemed to be 'confidential,' and we are denied knowing who was responsible. It has not even been made public if there have been resignations from the board as a result. It appears that the board is determined not to acknowledge dissent or differing opinions, even among its own members. And all of this while espousing honesty and transparency of the process.
"Being hypocritical does not generate trust."
Summing Up
I have a saying: "The AOB report was commissioned by dummies. It was created by devils. It was released by cowards. And it is believed by fools."
The response of the SSSC Board to the allegations against the Siri Singh Sahib this past January were either remarkably poorly thought out or deliberately destructive to the mission of the Master. I am going to call most of them, "dummies" for that reason.
The AOB report was a hack job, unprofessional in dozens of ways. And it was insulting that in the end, the hack artists treated us as though we were witless Yogi Sikhs. For that, I call them "devils," $500,000 devils - because that is what they were paid.
With all its faults and the potential damage to the legacy of the Siri Singh Sahib, the SSSC Board chose to vote anonymously to release the report - so members would be not be held to account for their treason. For this, I call the majority of the board "cowards."
Countless people, even longtime students of the Master, have fallen in line with the slanderers, disregarding years and years of sacrifice and selfless guidance on his part. For this, I call them "fools."
Lastly, though the vote was taken anonymously, I will take another chance with the truth, hoping I get it right. To my knowledge, of the fifteen elected members of the board who voted on the release of the AOB report last month, nine voted in favour, four voted against, and two abstained from the vote. In my humble assessment, those who quit the board - Amrit Singh, Guru Amrit Singh, and Krishna Kaur all voted against it, while Gurutej Singh, Kulwant Kaur, and Sham Kaur either voted against or abstained. I think I may have one person wrong, but this is my best understanding.
In these circumstances, I feel special attention should be paid to Gurujot Kaur who simultaneously holds the following positions: 1) member of the Collaborative Response Team, 2) member of the Siri Singh Sahib Board, 3) CEO of Sikh Dharma International, 4) Secretary General of the Khalsa Council, and 5) member of the Board of Sikh Dharma of Phoenix. Plus her husband Satwant Singh is Executive Director of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation. Gurujot Kaur's situation is particularly interesting because her daughter Karan Kahran Kaur is one of the primary accusers of the Siri Singh Sahib.
Also deserving of special attention is Gurujodha Singh, President of Siri Singh Sahib Corporation who, though "an attorney licensed in California since 1979," seems not to see the very obvious conflicts of interest right on his board.
As for the good folk on the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation Board, it must be a difficult situation to trust and honour the integrity of the Siri Singh Sahib while serving on a body that publicly denies that integrity.
Let us pray for the best - and let us call these remaining SSSC Board members to account. I will provide their email addresses and a few other resources below.
The response of the SSSC Board to the allegations against the Siri Singh Sahib this past January were either remarkably poorly thought out or deliberately destructive to the mission of the Master. I am going to call most of them, "dummies" for that reason.
The AOB report was a hack job, unprofessional in dozens of ways. And it was insulting that in the end, the hack artists treated us as though we were witless Yogi Sikhs. For that, I call them "devils," $500,000 devils - because that is what they were paid.
With all its faults and the potential damage to the legacy of the Siri Singh Sahib, the SSSC Board chose to vote anonymously to release the report - so members would be not be held to account for their treason. For this, I call the majority of the board "cowards."
Countless people, even longtime students of the Master, have fallen in line with the slanderers, disregarding years and years of sacrifice and selfless guidance on his part. For this, I call them "fools."
Lastly, though the vote was taken anonymously, I will take another chance with the truth, hoping I get it right. To my knowledge, of the fifteen elected members of the board who voted on the release of the AOB report last month, nine voted in favour, four voted against, and two abstained from the vote. In my humble assessment, those who quit the board - Amrit Singh, Guru Amrit Singh, and Krishna Kaur all voted against it, while Gurutej Singh, Kulwant Kaur, and Sham Kaur either voted against or abstained. I think I may have one person wrong, but this is my best understanding.
In these circumstances, I feel special attention should be paid to Gurujot Kaur who simultaneously holds the following positions: 1) member of the Collaborative Response Team, 2) member of the Siri Singh Sahib Board, 3) CEO of Sikh Dharma International, 4) Secretary General of the Khalsa Council, and 5) member of the Board of Sikh Dharma of Phoenix. Plus her husband Satwant Singh is Executive Director of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation. Gurujot Kaur's situation is particularly interesting because her daughter Karan Kahran Kaur is one of the primary accusers of the Siri Singh Sahib.
Also deserving of special attention is Gurujodha Singh, President of Siri Singh Sahib Corporation who, though "an attorney licensed in California since 1979," seems not to see the very obvious conflicts of interest right on his board.
As for the good folk on the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation Board, it must be a difficult situation to trust and honour the integrity of the Siri Singh Sahib while serving on a body that publicly denies that integrity.
Let us pray for the best - and let us call these remaining SSSC Board members to account. I will provide their email addresses and a few other resources below.
The painting at the top is a depiction of Mai Bhago and the Forty Liberated Ones, Sikhs who had abandoned Guru Gobind Singh at the Fort of Anandpur, but whom she cajoled into returning to the fray of battle. It is kindly provided by the artist, Kanwar Dhillon,
There is a saying, "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer." You can check out what Pamela Dyson is doing at or her Facebook page if they will tolerate you. If you do not buy into their narrative, they may not. Just to say "Hello!" or "Aloha!" you can email her at: [email protected].
Miri Piri Academy has a website There is nothing happening there now, but you can check out this great site of MPA students promoting the school here:
You can also send words of encouragement to laid-off staff:
Jagat Guru Singh (Principal) [email protected]
Japjeet Kaur (Public Relations) [email protected]
Ajooni Singh (Head Cook) [email protected]
Prem Kaur (Nurse) [email protected]
and any others you know of...
An Olive Branch has a site, in case you wondered:
If you would like to check out the site of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation, you can visit it here: Even the Collaborative Response Team has its own website:
If you wish to email the remaining members of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation Board, you may send them a general email through Satwant Singh [email protected]. Or you may like to email members individually:
Gurujodha Singh, President [email protected]
Viriam Singh, Secretary [email protected]
Ek Ong Kaar Kaur [email protected]
Guru Darbar Singh [email protected]
Guru Prem Singh [email protected]
Guru Sangat Singh [email protected]
Guruka Singh [email protected]
Gurutej Singh [email protected]
Gurujot Kaur [email protected]
Kulwant Kaur [email protected]
Sahaj Singh [email protected]
Sham Kaur [email protected]
Bhai Sahiba Bibiji Inderjit Kaur [email protected]
Let's go out with a song...
There is a saying, "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer." You can check out what Pamela Dyson is doing at or her Facebook page if they will tolerate you. If you do not buy into their narrative, they may not. Just to say "Hello!" or "Aloha!" you can email her at: [email protected].
Miri Piri Academy has a website There is nothing happening there now, but you can check out this great site of MPA students promoting the school here:
You can also send words of encouragement to laid-off staff:
Jagat Guru Singh (Principal) [email protected]
Japjeet Kaur (Public Relations) [email protected]
Ajooni Singh (Head Cook) [email protected]
Prem Kaur (Nurse) [email protected]
and any others you know of...
An Olive Branch has a site, in case you wondered:
If you would like to check out the site of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation, you can visit it here: Even the Collaborative Response Team has its own website:
If you wish to email the remaining members of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation Board, you may send them a general email through Satwant Singh [email protected]. Or you may like to email members individually:
Gurujodha Singh, President [email protected]
Viriam Singh, Secretary [email protected]
Ek Ong Kaar Kaur [email protected]
Guru Darbar Singh [email protected]
Guru Prem Singh [email protected]
Guru Sangat Singh [email protected]
Guruka Singh [email protected]
Gurutej Singh [email protected]
Gurujot Kaur [email protected]
Kulwant Kaur [email protected]
Sahaj Singh [email protected]
Sham Kaur [email protected]
Bhai Sahiba Bibiji Inderjit Kaur [email protected]
Let's go out with a song...