Dear One,
Sat Nam. Blessings to you from Guru Gobind Singh Sadan. I will not trouble you with a long email, just a few thoughts that come to me as guidance.
Calibre - We were raised to consider calibre, our own calibre foremost. What is our calibre? Are we getting old and infirm? Those on the "front lines" who teach Kundalini Yoga have a number of props these days - internet classes and massive gongs. Do these serve anyone's calibre - or not?
Inspire Calibre - We have a teaching machine now, a yoga certification machine. You enter, and ten months later, you are a certified yogi - or are you? Who inspires calibre these days? Who trains their students to be ten times greater, to be a saint and a soldier? Anyone? And what is the future of our ministry if we do not?
Nonattachment - Maya is a test for each and everyone. When you have little, the stakes are small. When you have money and power and executive privilege, the temptations toward corruption and indefinite delay of elections increases proportionately.
Crossing Divides - As students of the Siri Singh Sahib, we have had two important divides to cross. One has been into Punjab and the Punjabi community, our sisters and brothers in faith. We have been handicapped, not because we could not speak the language, but because we (and our children) could not be bothered to learn. This has held back our mission immeasurably.
The second divide has been bringing the Sikh leadership of Punjab, the high priests and academics, to appreciate the science and physiology of meditation. The Siri Singh Sahib tried in 1995 with our publication of SHABD GURU: Quantum Technology for Awareness but with very limited, if any, success. This holds back our dharma as a progressive and enlightened whole.
Being Authentic - Sat Naam does not mean doing what you feel like. It means going deep and resonating your deepest truth. To use an academic term, Sat Naam means "intrinsic being", which goes with intrinsic motivation, aligning with the design of the universe. With today's identity politics, some of us have lost their Sat Naam.
That is about all I wanted to share today. If you would like to go a little deeper with me, the following are some resources you might enjoy.
Kundalini Yoga Props and Blocks (12 minutes) LINK
SHABD GURU: Quantum Technology for Awareness LINK
No, this email is not about selling my book. Lastly, let me share with you, if you have an interest in Gurbani, a fascinating thesis which explores the creation of our holy Adi Granth by Guru Arjan Dev (PDF attached). I share it partly because I think you might enjoy reading it and partly to illustrate the woeful situation in Amritsar because the author, Pashaura Singh was summoned before the Akal Takhat in the 1990s and fined for daring to scientifically examine the construct of Gurbani as we know it today. He appealed to the Siri Singh Sahib for help, but he did not respond. I am sure he had enough concerns navigating our relationship with the Sikh high priests.
I am more than open to feedback. If anything above catches your interest, feel free to share and discuss with those you love.
Love to all! Peace to all! Life to all!
Humbly yours,
Guru Fatha Singh
Sat Nam. Blessings to you from Guru Gobind Singh Sadan. I will not trouble you with a long email, just a few thoughts that come to me as guidance.
Calibre - We were raised to consider calibre, our own calibre foremost. What is our calibre? Are we getting old and infirm? Those on the "front lines" who teach Kundalini Yoga have a number of props these days - internet classes and massive gongs. Do these serve anyone's calibre - or not?
Inspire Calibre - We have a teaching machine now, a yoga certification machine. You enter, and ten months later, you are a certified yogi - or are you? Who inspires calibre these days? Who trains their students to be ten times greater, to be a saint and a soldier? Anyone? And what is the future of our ministry if we do not?
Nonattachment - Maya is a test for each and everyone. When you have little, the stakes are small. When you have money and power and executive privilege, the temptations toward corruption and indefinite delay of elections increases proportionately.
Crossing Divides - As students of the Siri Singh Sahib, we have had two important divides to cross. One has been into Punjab and the Punjabi community, our sisters and brothers in faith. We have been handicapped, not because we could not speak the language, but because we (and our children) could not be bothered to learn. This has held back our mission immeasurably.
The second divide has been bringing the Sikh leadership of Punjab, the high priests and academics, to appreciate the science and physiology of meditation. The Siri Singh Sahib tried in 1995 with our publication of SHABD GURU: Quantum Technology for Awareness but with very limited, if any, success. This holds back our dharma as a progressive and enlightened whole.
Being Authentic - Sat Naam does not mean doing what you feel like. It means going deep and resonating your deepest truth. To use an academic term, Sat Naam means "intrinsic being", which goes with intrinsic motivation, aligning with the design of the universe. With today's identity politics, some of us have lost their Sat Naam.
That is about all I wanted to share today. If you would like to go a little deeper with me, the following are some resources you might enjoy.
Kundalini Yoga Props and Blocks (12 minutes) LINK
SHABD GURU: Quantum Technology for Awareness LINK
No, this email is not about selling my book. Lastly, let me share with you, if you have an interest in Gurbani, a fascinating thesis which explores the creation of our holy Adi Granth by Guru Arjan Dev (PDF attached). I share it partly because I think you might enjoy reading it and partly to illustrate the woeful situation in Amritsar because the author, Pashaura Singh was summoned before the Akal Takhat in the 1990s and fined for daring to scientifically examine the construct of Gurbani as we know it today. He appealed to the Siri Singh Sahib for help, but he did not respond. I am sure he had enough concerns navigating our relationship with the Sikh high priests.
I am more than open to feedback. If anything above catches your interest, feel free to share and discuss with those you love.
Love to all! Peace to all! Life to all!
Humbly yours,
Guru Fatha Singh