Webinar (date to be determined):
The Legacy of Yogi Bhajan
Yoga - contributed to its global popularity today
Sikh Dharma - helped gain recognition for it outside India
Yoga Therapy - helped gain recognition of Yoga as a healing practice
Sikhs in the world - helped develop a more global, outgoing self-image
Sikh Dharma - powerfully defined it as a way of life and not a religion
Countless people - counseled toward wellness, self-realization, prosperity
Women's Empowerment - contributed first through the Grace of God movement,
then with annual women's training camps, thousands of women benefited
Countless marriages - counseled, reconciled, arranged
libraryofteachings.com - priceless online resource
A more multicultural, tolerant West - arising from Yogi Bhajan's teachings and
the confounding image of Caucasians proudly dressing as a visible minority
Yogi Tea, Inc. - based in the US and Europe, employs hundreds, provides
wholesome products and valuable outreach
Chardi Kala Jatha - the only Western devotional music ensemble to perform at
Harimandir Sahib (the Golden Temple)
sikhnet.com - the world's largest online Sikh resource
Miri Piri Academy - a unique international education experience in the environs
of the holy city of Amritsar
Peace and reconciliation in Punjab - partly through Yogi Bhajan's consistent
efforts for harmony in the homeland of Khalsa
Kundalini Yoga teachers - tens of thousands in more than 100 countries
The institution of Bhai Sahib - the 3rd office-holder, Bibi Inderjit Kaur Ji, teacher,
networker, publisher of books
The Temple of Steel at Guru Ram Das Puri - a landmark and shrine to build and aspire toward
Sikh Dharma ministry - ministers on six continents
Greedy people in Unto Infinity - required a lengthy legal case starting in 2007 to
dislodge them. Golden Temple Bakery was lost in the fight.
Unresolved inheritance - led to ongoing legal contests between Siri Singh Sahib
Corporation and Yogi Bhajan's family.
"Subliminal racism" - in our global family, to be healed (ref)
Individuals with unresolved trauma - attributed by them to Yogi Bhajan and the
communities and organizations he founded.