In the US Democratic Primaries
W h o D o Y o u C h o o s e ?
For Bernie Sanders For Hillary Clinton
Roseanne Barr American Federation of Teachers
Harry Belafonte Ben Affleck
Ben & Jerry Madelaine Albright
Jello Biafra Bank of America
Billy Bragg Silvio Berlusconi
Julia Butterfly-Hill Beyonce
Noam Chomsky Tony Blair
Ta Nehisi Coates Warren Buffet
David Crosby Citi Group
Kim Dotcom Bill Clinton
Friends of the Earth Lady Gaga
Art Garfunkel General Dynamics Corp
Danny Glover Goldman Sachs
Darryl Hanna Dustin Hoffman
Snatam Kaur & Sopurkh Singh Bob Iger
Michael Keaton Elton John
Shaun King JP Morgan Chase
Naomi Klein Kim Kardashian
Winona LaDuke Loughheed Martin
Spike Lee Morgan Stanley
Bill Mayer New York Times
Bill McKibben Jack Nicholson
Killer Mike Northrop Grumman
Michael Moore Natalie Porter
Bill Moyers Raytheon Corp
The Nation Rosie O'Donnell
Peace Action Marco Rubio
Thomas Piketty George Soros
Raffi Howard Stern
Susan Saradon Martha Stewart
Cornell West Charlize Theron
Roger Waters US Bankcorp
Steve Wozniak Wells Fargo Bank
Neil Young Kanye West