Yogi Bhajan – June 25 1989 Gurdwara Talk at Guru Ram Das Puri, New Mexico
Link to the talk here: https://media.sikhnet.com/SSS%20Harbhajan%20Singh%20Khalsa%20Yogiji%20-%20June%2025th%201989.mp3
or go to https://www.sikhnet.com/gurbani/artist/yogibhajan and find the talk on page 11. If you wish to play the Shabad, "Jai Tegang" or read the lyrics in translation, you can link here: https://www.sikhnet.com/gurbani/shabadid/20052.
The following questions and notes are given in the order that they occur in the talk. Assigned questions are numbered. Notes given for your benefit are not numbered.
Yogi Bhajan: “How will you hear your consciousness and the Word of the Guru if you cannot merge with it and you cannot take the union? What are you? Beggars?”
Gur (Guru) + baanee (word) = the Guru’s Word
1) Fill in the blank: “Gurbaanee is sung. You _______________________.”
Shabad = Word
2) Fill in the blank: “Just become one with the Shabad. Shabad will ___________________________.”
3) Fill in the blank: “When everything has gone wrong, ____________________________________.”
4) Fill in the blanks: “You don’t become Sikh by ____________________________.” You become Sikh _________________________________.”
“If the woman does not experience the man, the relationship will remain fake. It will be only a psychological, sociological, and physical union. It shall never be spiritual.”
5) What analogy does Yogi Bhajan make his following words following the above quote?
6) Why does Yogi Bhajan say a turban is difficult to wear?
7) What is the purpose of turban therapy? How long does it take? How is it done? What is the result?
Baanaa = Identifiable Spiritual Apparel
8) Why does Yogi Bhajan say people prefer to wear “commoners’ dress” and not Baanaa?
9) “Life is only one thing.” What is that thing?
chor = thief
kamzor = weak
ni-aaraa = “You can identify in all, above all, and through all.”
10) Who does Yogi Bhajan call a “bastard”?
11) Who does Yogi Bhajan say are the only Sikhs of the Guru?
At this point in the talk, Yogi Bhajan draws attention to his long-time student (since 1970), Dr. Alan Singh Weiss, who wore Baanaa to the Gurdwara for the first time that day.
takhat = throne
Hari (God) + mandar (temple) = Temple of God, especially the “Golden Temple” in Amritsar
12) Fill in the blank: “A fool has a tool to conquer time and space. That is the ________________.”
honee = fate/misfortune
13) Fill in the blank: “Heal Guru Ram Das and __________________________!”
14) What did the Hopi shaman – “Indian holyman” – tell Yogi Bhajan about the land of Guru Ram Das Puri?
puree = city
A Hopi shaman on passing the responsibility of Guru Ram Das Puri on to Yogi Bhajan and the Khalsa Spiritual Nation: “The spirit of the eagle has been freed!”
Link to the talk here: https://media.sikhnet.com/SSS%20Harbhajan%20Singh%20Khalsa%20Yogiji%20-%20June%2025th%201989.mp3
or go to https://www.sikhnet.com/gurbani/artist/yogibhajan and find the talk on page 11. If you wish to play the Shabad, "Jai Tegang" or read the lyrics in translation, you can link here: https://www.sikhnet.com/gurbani/shabadid/20052.
The following questions and notes are given in the order that they occur in the talk. Assigned questions are numbered. Notes given for your benefit are not numbered.
Yogi Bhajan: “How will you hear your consciousness and the Word of the Guru if you cannot merge with it and you cannot take the union? What are you? Beggars?”
Gur (Guru) + baanee (word) = the Guru’s Word
1) Fill in the blank: “Gurbaanee is sung. You _______________________.”
Shabad = Word
2) Fill in the blank: “Just become one with the Shabad. Shabad will ___________________________.”
3) Fill in the blank: “When everything has gone wrong, ____________________________________.”
4) Fill in the blanks: “You don’t become Sikh by ____________________________.” You become Sikh _________________________________.”
“If the woman does not experience the man, the relationship will remain fake. It will be only a psychological, sociological, and physical union. It shall never be spiritual.”
5) What analogy does Yogi Bhajan make his following words following the above quote?
6) Why does Yogi Bhajan say a turban is difficult to wear?
7) What is the purpose of turban therapy? How long does it take? How is it done? What is the result?
Baanaa = Identifiable Spiritual Apparel
8) Why does Yogi Bhajan say people prefer to wear “commoners’ dress” and not Baanaa?
9) “Life is only one thing.” What is that thing?
chor = thief
kamzor = weak
ni-aaraa = “You can identify in all, above all, and through all.”
10) Who does Yogi Bhajan call a “bastard”?
11) Who does Yogi Bhajan say are the only Sikhs of the Guru?
At this point in the talk, Yogi Bhajan draws attention to his long-time student (since 1970), Dr. Alan Singh Weiss, who wore Baanaa to the Gurdwara for the first time that day.
takhat = throne
Hari (God) + mandar (temple) = Temple of God, especially the “Golden Temple” in Amritsar
12) Fill in the blank: “A fool has a tool to conquer time and space. That is the ________________.”
honee = fate/misfortune
13) Fill in the blank: “Heal Guru Ram Das and __________________________!”
14) What did the Hopi shaman – “Indian holyman” – tell Yogi Bhajan about the land of Guru Ram Das Puri?
puree = city
A Hopi shaman on passing the responsibility of Guru Ram Das Puri on to Yogi Bhajan and the Khalsa Spiritual Nation: “The spirit of the eagle has been freed!”